Alessandro Sarno was born in Milano and raised in the beautiful countryside in the Italian province of Treviso.
He took his first photo in The Bahamas in 2008.
He never owned a real camera before, but when he first visited The Bahamas, he felt compelled to buy one to capture the mesmerizing beauty of the blue water. Today he can honestly say that he became a photographer thanks to that trip. He recently published a coffee table book called "Catch Da Cat", to illustrate life in Cat Island, The Bahamas.
His photography focuses on people, landscapes, wildlife, and all the little details he notices during his journeys.
He has always had a passion for travel, even though he is a nervous flyer! He mostly travel alone (and he loves it) because It's the only way he can completely open himself up to experience the places and the people he encounters along the way. He likes to call myself a travel photographer, yet feel the need to specify that he doesn’t travel to take photos; on the contrary, he take photos because he travels.
Alessandro considers photography his travel companion, a treasure to feed my soul and spirit. "When I take a picture, I capture an emotion that I hold for the rest of my life. Looking back at old photographs is a deeply evocative experience. I remember everything; the smell, the sounds, the ambience and the emotions they elicited." Sarno says.
When he is not traveling, but feel like escaping, he simply opens his Mac and immerse himself in some old images. Alessandro believes in the value of sharing and so he decided to create a website and social media accounts where his photos can be seen by everyone, in the hopes of eliciting even a tiny pleasant emotion or to reveal something that may have gone unnoticed before
Reading "Lonesome Traveler" by Jack Kerouac, gave him the inspiration for the name of his website, which he called "The Lonesome Photographer". To describe in few words how he feels about photography, he'd like to borrow a quote from another Beat generation poet, Allen Ginsberg:
"Without even intending it. There is that little shiver of a moment in time preserved in the crystal cabinet of the mind, a little shiver of eternal space. That's what I was looking for".